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Free DNS or Premium DNS – Comparison

If you’re just entering the Domain Name System world, you’re probably wondering which to choose- Free DNS or Premium DNS? No worries, you’re in the right place. In this article, we’ll go over what they are, the differences between them, and of course, which one to choose. So, let’s start.

What does Premium DNS mean?

Premium DNS is a service provided by a DNS Hosting provider. You can get more of everything with Premium plans. So, you can benefit from more DNS servers and DNS zones. You are also capable of better traffic management. If you select the Premium DNS plan, you will undoubtedly notice an increase in loading speed. In addition, it will provide improved uptime, security, and even SEO.

On the market, there are a number of Premium DNS options. There are a variety of alternatives, but in general, it can provide the following:

  • Additional DNS zones
  • Unlimited queries
  • Increased speed and loading time
  • DNS Anycast service
  • DNS failover
  • Solutions for load balancing
  • Assured uptime
  • An easy-to-use interface
  • Technical support 24/7

Free DNS – What is its purpose?

This service provides the foundational DNS infrastructure that allows websites to function online. It is completely free.

There are numerous Free DNS hosting services available on the market. Different options exist, but in general, a Free DNS service can provide:

  • Administrate your DNS records and domain zones
  • Easy for use User Interface
  • Dynamic DNS
  • A small number of queries per month
  • Client service

Мain differences

As you may have seen yourself, there are quite significant differences between one plan and the other. Free DNS offers you a limited number of matches, the Premium DNS unlimited. Also, the paid plan offers DNS Anycast, and the other does not. Premium DNS offers many additional features, such as load balancing solutions and DNS failover. That is, we may conclude that Premium DNS provides far more functionality than the regular Free DNS package.

Which one to choose: Free DNS or Premium DNS?

It’s critical to distinguish between Free DNS and Premium DNS. Both are viable alternatives. When selecting one of them, keep your company’s needs in mind. Free DNS is usually less secure and has more downtime, but it still works. Premium DNS functions enhance its dependability. Security, speed, and uptime are all important factors to consider. They have a considerable impact on the speed of online pages. So, such features entice consumers and search engines to have a favorable impact. Consider your options and make the best conclusion possible!

Suggested article: Private DNS server – Everything you need to know

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