Tag: Domain Name System Security Extensions

DNSSEC – Purpose & BenefitsDNSSEC – Purpose & Benefits

Introduction to DNSSEC: Definition & Overview

DNSSEC, or Domain Name System Security Extensions, is an Internet security protocol designed to protect the response received from a domain name system query. It is composed of a set of protocols and extensions which protect the integrity, authenticity, and availability of the data returned by a DNS server. DNSSEC requires that before a server returns a response, it first checks that the response’s associated signature is valid and that the response has been signed by the server responsible for the DNS zone. By doing so, it ensures the integrity of the response and eliminates the possibility of malicious third-party interference. Additionally, Domain Name System Security Extensions can also be used to authenticate responses, allowing for the verifiable validation of the originator of the response. In summary, it is an important protocol that ensures the validity and secure transfer of DNS activity.

What is DS record and why do you need it?
